Kindergarten Boost

Serving children ages 5 – 7 with Autism and other related developmental challenges

Staff to child ratio 1:3

12PM to 2 PM Monday through Friday


Wellspring provides an educational enrichment Kindergarten Boost program for children at the kindergarten level who require supplemental instruction designed to accommodate alternative learning styles. This program targets early language-based literacy skills, including phonological awareness (sound structure of language), alphabetic knowledge, language concepts, and problem-solving skills to supplement concurrent academic programs. Early math, science, and problem-solving skills are fostered through group games and projects. This program enhances each child’s access to core content areas for kindergarten, and beyond, through dynamic instructional approaches and engaging activities.


Kindergarten Boost Program offers:

  • Immersion in letters and sounds via multi-sensory instruction
  • Phonological awareness and rhyming activities that support later literacy skills
  • Opportunities to incorporate musical sense, rhythm and movement, to support language understanding and functional language use
  • Concept development and problem solving opportunities; students participate in meaningful and personally-relevant activities
  • Curricula that engage multiple physical and mental systems to foster integration of skills

Social and Emotional Regulatory Support:

  • Shaping group dynamics to support cooperation within the classroom
  • Implementing routines and rituals to improve transitions and other challenging group activities throughout the school day
  • Engaging daily routines that structure each school day and allow each student to build a mental model of his/her experience across time
  • Teaching effective strategies for supporting social interaction and promoting positive peer interactions and friendships


Our Instructional Approach:

Educational instruction is provided by Wellspring staff members holding Master’s degrees in special education, speech-language pathology, or related fields.